National Parks in Peru

National Parks in Peru are areas protected by the Peruvian state that represent the country’s biological wealth. In these parks, a variety of flora and fauna, diverse ecosystems, and landscapes are cared for as intangible assets by the authorities of Peru. Tourism is allowed in some specific areas. Currently, there are fifteen national parks in the country.

Some of the national parks in Peru include Huascarán National Park, Pacaya Samiria National Reserve, Manu National Park, Salinas and Aguada Blanca National Reserve, among others. These areas are protected as intangible, allowing scientific research and tourism in appropriately designated zones.

How Many National Parks Does Peru Have?

Peru has fifteen national parks. These national parks are areas protected by the Peruvian state that represent the country’s natural diversity, hosting a variety of flora and fauna, diverse ecosystems, and landscapes cared for as intangibles by the authorities of Peru. Tourism is allowed in some specific areas, allowing for the conservation and understanding of the country’s natural richness.

List of Peruvian National Parks

General Characteristics of Peruvian National Parks

Peruvian National Parks are areas protected by the Peruvian state that represent the country’s natural diversity. These areas protect one or more ecosystems, associations of wildlife, as well as other landscape and cultural characteristics, with an intangible character. They are spaces for indirect use where scientific research and tourism are allowed in appropriately designated zones. Currently, there are 15 National Parks in Peru.

Among the prominent national parks are Manu National Park, Huascarán National Park, Bahuaja-Sonene National Park, Yanachaga-Chemillén National Park, among others.

These parks host a great diversity of flora and fauna, diverse ecosystems, and landscapes, and allow tourist visits in specific areas, aiming to promote the conservation and understanding of the country’s natural richness.

Classification of Protected Areas in Peru

The protected areas of SINANPE encompass 76 protected natural areas with a total surface area of 25,684,523.65 hectares. If Regional Conservation Areas (ACR) and Private Conservation Areas (ACP) are considered, the total protected territory of the country is 23,051,968.58 hectares, representing 17.62% of the national territory.

These areas are divided into categories of direct and indirect use. Indirect use areas, such as National Parks, are intangible protection areas where the extraction of natural resources is not allowed, and only non-manipulative scientific research and tourism, recreational, educational, and cultural activities are permitted under duly regulated conditions. On the other hand, direct use areas, such as National Reserves, allow for the sustainable use of natural resources under approved and supervised management plans by the competent authority.

In Peru, protected areas are divided into several categories, each with its own characteristics and conservation objectives. Some of the categories of protected areas in the country include the following.

National Parks

These areas protect one or more ecosystems, associations of wildlife, as well as other landscape and cultural characteristics, with an intangible character. They are spaces for indirect use where scientific research and tourism are allowed in appropriately designated zones. Currently, there are 15 National Parks in Peru.

National Reserves

These are areas dedicated to the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable use of flora and wildlife resources. They are natural protected areas of direct use where, through management plans, traditional use and sustainable exploitation of natural resources by local populations are allowed. Currently, there are 17 National Reserves in Peru.

Protection Forests

The main objective of these areas is the conservation of watersheds and soil protection.

Communal Reserves

They conserve wildlife for the benefit of neighboring rural populations, which, by carrying out traditional use under management plans, make use of the area’s natural resources.

Hunting Reserves

These are areas dedicated to the conservation and sustainable use of wildlife.

National Sanctuaries

They protect a species or community of flora and fauna, as well as natural formations of scientific and scenic interest.

Historical Sanctuaries

Historical Sanctuaries in Peru are natural protected areas that, in addition to safeguarding spaces with relevant natural values, preserve the environment of samples of the country’s monumental and archaeological heritage, or are sites where significant events in national history occurred. These areas are intended for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use of natural resources, allowing scientific research and tourism in specific areas. Currently, there are 4 Historical Sanctuaries in Peru, which play a fundamental role in preserving the country’s cultural and natural heritage.

Landscape Reserves

They protect landscapes of great natural beauty.

Wildlife Refuges

They conserve areas with specific natural characteristics due to their rarity or representative localities, as well as the protection of species of flora and fauna.
These categories reflect Peru’s commitment to conserving its rich biodiversity and the sustainable use of its natural resources.

The National System of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SINANPE)

SINANPE is a collection of natural areas that the Peruvian state protects for their great environmental, cultural, and scientific value. These areas are under the direct administration of the central government through the National Service of Natural Protected Areas by the State (SERNANP).
Importance of SINANPE:

  • Conservation of biodiversity: it protects a wide variety of ecosystems, from tropical forests to glaciers, and harbors a large number of species of flora and fauna, many of them endangered.
  • Protection of natural resources: it helps to safeguard natural resources such as water, soil, and forests, which are essential for human well-being.
  • Sustainable development: it can promote the sustainable development of local communities by providing opportunities for ecotourism and scientific research.

Size of Protected Area in Peru

  • Number of protected areas: 76 (as of March 5, 2021).
  • Protected area surface: 25,684,523.65 ha (SINANPE).
  • Protected area surface including ACR and ACP: 23,051,968.58 ha.
  • Percentage of protected national territory: 17.62%.