Laguna Del Sello in Argentina’s Patagonia

The Laguna del Sello (Del Sello Lagoon), nestled in the stunning region of Argentine Patagonia, is a small lake ideal for nature enthusiasts. It provides an unparalleled immersion into the country’s most captivating ecosystems. A preferred destination for ecotourism.

Laguna Del Sello en la Patagonia Argentina

Location and How to Get There

The Laguna del Sello is located in the Patagonia region, in the Lago Buenos Aires department, in the Santa Cruz province, in southern Argentina. It’s about 25 kilometers from the Patagonia National Park (Argentina) and about 57 kilometers from the Cueva de las Manos. You can fly to the nearest city and then take ground transportation to reach the lagoon. It can be geographically located using coordinates 46°55’10″S 71°20’15″W.

Geography and Climate

Geographical Features

With a length of 6 kilometers and a width of 3 kilometers, it extends from west to east, occupying a central position in the Buenos Aires Lake Plateau. This extensive basalt plateau is dotted with ancient volcanic cones and several lakes, creating a breathtaking natural environment.

Located at an altitude of 1,465 meters, the Laguna del Sello covers approximately 15 km² of surface area. It is less than 35 kilometers south of Lake Buenos Aires/General Carrera, in a privileged location. Bounded by Mount Zeballos in the southwest, with an elevation of 2,743 meters above sea level, and Cerro Overo in the northeast, with an elevation of 1,791 meters above sea level, the lagoon is surrounded by an impressive mountain range.

The lagoon’s basin is endorheic, meaning it has no outlet to the sea. Small streams that feed it converge toward the center of the basin, creating a centripetal hydrological system. The lagoon’s waters are brackish, and in winter, they can freeze, adding a fascinating dynamic to this unique ecosystem.

Climate and Best Time to Visit

The climate of Laguna del Sello is one of the aspects that defines its charm and determines the best time to visit it. In this region of Argentine Patagonia, the climate is influenced by its geographical location and its proximity to the Andes mountain range.

During the austral summer, which spans from December to March, the climate offers ideal conditions for visitors. Temperatures are warmer and pleasant, with averages ranging from 15°C to 25°C, creating a perfect environment to explore the natural beauty of the area. Additionally, during this season, the local fauna is more active, providing the opportunity to witness a greater diversity of species and enjoy the lush wildlife.

During winter, which spans from June to September, the climate in the region becomes more rigorous. Temperatures drop, and it’s common for the lagoon to freeze, creating an impressive natural spectacle. However, it’s important to note that weather conditions can be challenging, with temperatures that can drop below 0°C and strong winds. Despite this, some adventurous travelers can enjoy the tranquility and winter beauty of the lagoon.

In spring and autumn, the climate can be variable, with frequent changes in weather conditions. During these transition periods, temperatures are more moderate, but occasional rains may occur. These seasons offer a unique opportunity to observe how nature transforms and prepares for the next season.


Located in the Patagonia region, it has remained largely unchanged throughout history, providing a pristine refuge for the local fauna and flora.

Native Flora

Laguna del Sello is home to a wide variety of local flora, including an impressive selection of plants and flowers that add a touch of color to its natural landscape, with a significant presence of flora from Patagonia National Park.

Native Fauna

The lagoon is a haven for Patagonian wildlife. From migratory birds to mammals, it is an ideal place for wildlife observation.

It is a vital habitat for various bird species, including the Hooded Grebe or Macá Tobiano (Podiceps gallardoi), an endangered species. It is estimated that the lagoon is home to around 10,000 individuals of birds from different species, making it an important destination for ornithology enthusiasts. The presence of Hooded Grebes highlights the importance of preserving this valuable ecosystem, as it contributes to the conservation of endangered species. Birdwatching at the lagoon is a unique experience where visitors can enjoy the diversity and beauty of these winged creatures, from majestic birds of prey to colorful songbirds. Laguna del Sello represents a natural sanctuary that must be protected to ensure the preservation of biodiversity in the region.

Attractions and Recommended Activities

Hiking Trails

Laguna del Sello offers magnificent hiking trails that allow visitors to explore its stunning landscape and get up close to the local flora and fauna.

Water Activities

With its crystal-clear waters, the lagoon is a perfect spot for a variety of water activities such as kayaking and sport fishing.

Photography and Bird Watching

Thanks to its abundant wildlife and spectacular landscapes, it’s a dream location for photography and bird-watching enthusiasts.

Regulations and Conservation

Visitation Rules

As a protected area, there are specific rules for visitors, all aimed at protecting and preserving this valuable natural ecosystem.

Conservation Initiatives

There are several ongoing initiatives to conserve and protect the biodiversity of Laguna del Sello, highlighting the importance of this place in maintaining ecological health in the region.

Accommodation and Services

Accommodation Options

There are a variety of lodging options near Laguna del Sello, ranging from rustic cabins to luxurious eco-lodges.

Services and Available Amenities

Despite being a natural getaway, visitors can find a range of services and amenities available, including tour guides, equipment rental for activities, and restaurants serving delicious local cuisine.

Culture and Heritage

Local Culture

Beyond its natural beauty, the region around Laguna del Sello is also rich in local culture, with many opportunities to learn about the traditions and way of life of the Patagonian people.

Historical Significance and Heritage

It holds historical and cultural significance for local communities and offers visitors a unique opportunity to learn about the region’s heritage.

What to See Near Laguna Del Sello

Photo Gallery

Below, you’ll find a selection of photographs showcasing the stunning landscapes you can enjoy at Laguna del Sello. These images capture some of the wildlife you can see during your visit to the lagoon.