National Parks in Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso, located in West Africa, is a country that offers diverse and significant outdoor habitats, especially wild forests. The network of Burkina Faso’s national parks covers the savanna region, characterized by grasslands during the rainy season and a semi-desert landscape during the harmattan period. In this small country, you can find an impressive biodiversity that includes 147 species of mammals, 121 species of fish, 2,067 species of plants, and hundreds of bird species. With the aim of conserving and preserving Burkina Faso’s rich wildlife, four national parks have been established. Below is a list of the national parks found in this country.

As of May 2021, Burkina Faso has 110 reported protected areas in the World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). The following statistics do not include 2 UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserves. The terrestrial coverage is 16.4% (108 protected areas, 45,403.1 km2). Protected areas in Burkina Faso consist of National Parks, Classified Forests, and Village Hunting Areas.

The average coverage of KBAs by reported protected areas and OECMs is 78.9%; all KBAs have at least partial coverage by reported protected areas and OECMs.

List of National Parks