Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve

Do you love nature, history, and adventure? Then, you can’t miss the Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve (Akami-Uapishkᵘ-KakKasuak-Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve), a hidden gem in Canada. This comprehensive guide will take you on an unforgettable journey through its stunning landscapes, cultural history, and diverse wildlife.

Introduction to Mealy Mountains National Park

Mealy Mountains National Park Reserve

The Mealy Mountains National Park, established in 2015, is located in the heart of the Labrador region, Canada. With an area of over 10,700 square kilometers, it is the largest national park east of the Canadian territories. This park is characterized by its diverse geography, which includes mountains, boreal forests, arctic tundra, wild coasts, and rivers.

Park History

The Mealy Mountains National Park has been sacred territory for Indigenous peoples of the region since ancient times, and over the years, it has maintained its wild and pristine state. Its creation as a national park on July 31, 2015, marked a significant step towards conserving 10,700 square kilometers of this beautiful region.

Location and Geography

The park is situated in the southeastern part of Labrador, stretching from the shores of Lake Melville to the Atlantic Ocean at coordinates: 53°24′0″ N, 59°22′0.12″ W. Its landscapes are diverse, with the mighty Mealy Mountains dominating the horizon, spruce forests, mossy tundra, meandering rivers, and coasts teeming with marine life.


The climate in the Mealy Mountains experiences changes throughout the year, with temperatures ranging from 30°C to 20°C.
During summer, from June to August, temperatures range between 15°C and 20°C. There is little rainfall and abundant sunshine.

In autumn, from September to October, the average daytime temperature is 10°C. Winds start to intensify, and the sea becomes more restless.

Spring, from March to May, features temperatures from -10°C to -5°C. Winds are limited, and sunny skies beautify the landscape.

Winter, from November to February, averages around -30°C. There is abundant snow during this season.

In elevated locations, such as mountainous routes, temperatures can vary considerably.

Biodiversity of the Mealy Mountains Reserve

The park is renowned for its rich biodiversity, harboring a wide range of flora and fauna, including several endangered species.


Among the park’s fauna are black bears, moose, foxes, and wolves, as well as a variety of seabirds like the osprey and Brünnich’s guillemot. The Eagle River, flowing through the park, is also famous as one of the significant spawning locations for Atlantic salmon.

Iconic Species

The park is home to a variety of iconic species that make it a wildlife lover’s paradise, including black bears, moose, and wolves, which can be spotted in their natural habitat.

Region’s Birds

Seabirds such as the osprey and Brünnich’s guillemot are just a few of the many bird species that can be observed in the park.

Recommendations for Wildlife Observation

When observing wildlife, it is essential to maintain a safe distance, not interfere with their natural behavior, and respect their habitat.


The park is home to countless plants, including Canada’s national tree, the red maple, as well as white and black spruces, birches, and trembling aspens. Tundra regions are dominated by mosses, lichens, and small wildflowers.

Unique Ecosystems

The diverse ecosystems of Mealy Mountains National Park are fascinating and unique, each offering its own set of natural wonders and specific species.

Exploring Mealy Mountains: Routes and Trails

Mealy Mountains National Park offers a variety of hiking trails that allow visitors to explore its impressive landscape and rich biodiversity.

Most Popular Hiking Routes

Some of the most popular hiking routes include the Mealy Mountains Summit Trail, the Eagle River Trail, and the Labrador Coast Trail.

Detailed Trail Descriptions

Each hiking route offers its own unique experience, with varying levels of difficulty, landscapes, and opportunities to observe wildlife.

Tips for Responsible Hiking

When hiking in the park, it’s important to follow the principles of "Leave No Trace," which includes carrying out all waste, staying on designated trails, and respecting wildlife.

Activities in Mealy Mountains National Park

The park offers a variety of recreational activities for every type of visitor, from adrenaline enthusiasts to those seeking a tranquil and relaxing nature experience.

Hiking and Trekking

With dozens of trails available, hiking is one of the most popular activities in the park. Trails vary in length and difficulty, ensuring that every visitor can find a path that suits their skill level and endurance. Following the marked paths, visitors can explore Mealy Mountains and its well-known peaks.

Fishing and Hunting

Fishing and hunting are also popular activities within the park. It’s essential to note that permits are required for these activities, and park regulations must be followed to ensure their sustainability.

Wildlife Observation

Thanks to its rich biodiversity, the park is an excellent location for wildlife observation. Birds, mammals, and butterflies are just some of the animals visitors can encounter during their excursions.

Photographic Opportunities

The majestic landscapes and abundant wildlife of the park provide incredible photographic opportunities for photography enthusiasts, regardless of their skill level.

Regional Culture and Heritage

Mealy Mountains National Park is a place of great cultural and historical importance, especially for the Indigenous peoples of the region.

Indigenous Peoples and their Relationship with the Land

The history and culture of the Indigenous peoples of the region, such as the Innu, Inuit, and Métis, are intrinsically linked to the land. The park is a sacred place for these communities, and its management is done in collaboration with them.

Historical and Cultural Sites

The park also houses several historical and cultural sites, offering visitors a glimpse into the region’s past and the opportunity to learn about its rich history and traditions.

Conservation and Sustainability

Conservation and sustainability are key aspects of Mealy Mountains National Park management, with ongoing efforts to protect and preserve its rich biodiversity.

Conservation Efforts

The park was established with the goal of preserving and protecting the Mealy Mountains region and its unique biodiversity. Conservation efforts focus on protecting natural habitats, preserving endangered species, and promoting sustainability in all activities within the park.

Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is a significant threat to Mealy Mountains National Park. Measures are being taken to mitigate its impact, including monitoring affected species and habitats, as well as implementing measures to reduce the park’s carbon footprint.

Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability initiatives in the park include recycling, waste reduction, efficient water and energy use, and the promotion of responsible tourism practices.

Practical Information for Visitors

To ensure an enjoyable and safe visit to Mealy Mountains National Park, it’s essential to consider the following practical information.

Getting There

The most common way to reach the park is by flying to the city of Happy Valley-Goose Bay and then taking a car or bus to the park entrance.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit the park is during the summer months, from June to September, when temperatures are milder, and days are longer.

Accommodation and Services

There are various accommodation options available near the park, ranging from hotels to campgrounds. Services within the park include visitor centers, restrooms, and picnic areas.

Safety Recommendations

It’s essential to stay on marked trails, carry enough water and food, and be prepared for sudden weather changes. It’s always recommended to inform someone about your hiking plans.

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