Corcovado National Park, Chile

Located in the Los Lagos region of Chile, the Corcovado National Park belongs to the National System of State Protected Areas (SNASPE), being one of the Chilean National Parks with volcanoes, valleys, mountains, and a great biodiversity of fauna and flora. With impressive landscapes and opportunities for outdoor adventures, it offers a multitude of activities and tourist attractions, becoming an ideal destination to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Corcovado National park, Chile

Geographical Location

Located in the southwest of the Palena province, in the Los Lagos region, Chile, Corcovado National Park has an area shaped by glaciation, which has led to unique and impressively scenic landscapes. In fact, this place is considered one of the last pristine sites on the planet. Its geographical location can be pinpointed by the coordinates 43°25′00″S 72°43′00″W / -43.41666667, -72.71666667, being located about 60 kilometers from the city of Chaitén.

History and Declaration as a National Park

Founded on January 7, 2005, through Supreme Decree No. 2 of the Ministry of National Assets, Corcovado National Park was established with a total approximate area of 209,623.84 hectares, being expanded by Decree No. 4 of January 26, 2018, establishing the protected area of 293,986 hectares in the commune of Chaitén and Cisnes, Palena province, Chile.
Within the park, temperate rainforests are protected, represented by the evergreens of Puyuhuapi and the deciduous shrubs of the high mountain. These ecosystems harbor astonishing biodiversity, including species of fauna endemic to the southern hemisphere, many of them with Antarctic origins and facing conservation issues.

Among the protected species are the southern river otter (Lontra provocax), the kodkod (Leopardus guigna), the marine otter (Lontra felina), the Magellanic snipe (Gallinago paraguaiae), and the cougar (Puma concolor), among other fascinating animals that make it a vital refuge for wildlife. With its declaration as a National Park, the preservation of these valuable ecosystems and the protection of their natural inhabitants have been ensured.

Geography and Climate

Geography of Corcovado National Park in Chile

Geological Features

Known for its mountains, glaciers, and the Pacific coast, offering a unique geological diversity in the region. It owes its name to the volcano within the park, with the Corcovado volcano standing 2,300 meters above sea level (m a.s.l.).

Climate in Corcovado, Chile

With a cold temperate maritime and mountain climate. The average annual temperatures hover around 10°C. The most notable characteristic of its climate is abundant rainfall, with approximately 2,000 millimeters of precipitation per year. This high level of precipitation contributes to the formation and preservation of temperate rainforests that make this park a unique and lush place in terms of vegetation and biodiversity.

Present Ecosystems

From dense forests to crystalline rivers and rocky coasts, it possesses a variety of ecosystems that make it unique.

Biodiversity of Corcovado National Park


It harbors a rich and varied flora, with a large portion of the area covered by forests of different types. Among the main types of forests present are the evergreens, lengas, Magellanic coigües, and Guaitecas cypresses.
The evergreen forests are a distinctive feature of the park and are characterized by their lushness throughout the year. These forests harbor a great diversity of tree species, shrubs, and plants, contributing to the lushness of the landscape. On the other hand, lengas and Magellanic coigües are also typical trees of the area and add their charm to the protected area’s natural environment.

The Guaitecas cypress is a slow-growing coniferous species that can reach over 20 meters in height. In the past, these trees were highly sought after for their high-quality wood and characteristics, making them the subject of intense exploitation for furniture and shipbuilding. Fortunately, many of these cypresses were located in areas difficult for humans to access, which saved them from logging, and today they are protected within the park.


Wildlife of Chilean Corcovado National Park
Due to the diversity of environments in the area, mammals and birds find in the national park a suitable habitat for their development. Different species of foxes, felines, and mouse-eared bats, among others, can be found.

Various marine species coexist in bodies of water, such as the southern dolphin, orca, sea lion, and tonina. These marine animals find a suitable environment for their habitat and reproduction.

Among the species are the parakeet, the pigeon, and the black woodpecker, which inhabit the forests. The spoonbill duck, flying steamer duck, and white heron can also be spotted in aquatic environments.

Activities and Tourist Attractions

Corcovado Volcano

The mighty Corcovado Volcano, standing at 2300 meters above sea level, is one of the main attractions of Corcovado National Park. Its towering presence dominates the landscape and offers breathtaking panoramic views from its summits. It’s a challenging destination for mountaineering enthusiasts and a unique experience for adventurers seeking to conquer its heights.

Corcovado River

The Corcovado River is an important watercourse that traverses the area protected by the Chilean government. With an approximate length of 60 kilometers, it originates from glaciers and flows through lush and pristine landscapes. Its crystalline waters sustain wildlife and offer opportunities for fishing and water activities in a unique and wild natural environment.

Nevado Volcano

The Nevado Volcano, also known as Yantenes or Yanteles, is another imposing mountain within Corcovado National Park. Reaching a height of 2,042 meters above sea level, it offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore its slopes and enjoy spectacular views of the surroundings. Its name refers to the glaciers and snowfields that adorn it, adding a touch of glacial majesty to the landscape.

Tictoc River

The Tictoc River is a watercourse that flows into glacial valleys where the Trébol, Jimena, and Escondido lakes are located. Its flow and journey through scenic valleys contribute to the beauty of Corcovado National Park’s landscape. The presence of these glacial lakes and crystalline rivers adds charm to the visitor experience, providing a unique natural environment to enjoy and appreciate. Navigation can be done by Tic Toc bay and the river with the same name.

Trébol Lake

Trébol Lake is located in a glacial valley surrounded by mountains and forests. Its name comes from its peculiar shape, similar to a three-leaf clover, which gives it a unique charm. Its waters are of an intense blue and reflect the peaks of the surrounding mountains, creating dreamlike landscapes ideal for photography and contemplation. It’s a popular destination for kayaking, fishing, and other water activities, as well as for hiking along the surrounding trails and appreciating the fauna and flora that inhabit the region.

Yelcho Glacier

Yelcho Glacier is a glacier located in Corcovado Park, offering spectacular views and a unique experience.

How to Get to Corcovado National Park in Chile

To access Corcovado National Park, land, sea, and air routes can be used.
By land, there are two main accesses:

  • From the north: access is possible via the Southern Longitudinal Highway that connects Puerto Montt with the town of Hornopirén.
  • From the south: the same highway allows reaching Chaitén, and from there continuing towards Coyhaique and Villa O’Higgins in the Aysén Region. These land accesses offer the opportunity to enjoy beautiful scenery during the journey.

The maritime route is one of the most used options to reach the National Park. Companies like Transmarchilay and Navimag offer maritime transportation services that allow access to different sectors near the park. These routes offer the possibility of appreciating the beauty of the Chilean coast during the trip.
For those who prefer the air route, it’s possible to arrive by small commercial planes departing from Puerto Montt and landing at aerodromes located near Chaitén. This option can be especially convenient for those seeking a faster and more direct way to arrive.

Accommodation and Camping Areas

From nearby hotels to camping areas within the park, there are options for all tastes and budgets.
In the localities near the park, such as Chaitén located about 20 kilometers away, cozy hotels and inns can be found offering comfortable and convenient accommodation for travelers. Likewise, it’s also possible to stay in Hornopirén, located to the north of the park, about 35 kilometers away, or in La Junta, situated to the south and about 75 kilometers away.

These lodging options allow visitors to enjoy local hospitality and recharge their energy for their adventures.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit Corcovado National Park is during the dry season, which spans from mid-December to mid-April. During this period, the amount of rainfall decreases considerably, making conditions more favorable for enjoying outdoor activities and exploring the natural beauty of Corcovado.
The climate during the dry season is milder and more pleasant, facilitating hikes and excursions without worrying too much about bad weather.
