National Parks in Europe

Explore the natural wealth and unique biodiversity found in the various National Parks of Europe. From the mighty mountains of the Alps to the wild coasts of the Atlantic, each park offers a glimpse into spectacular landscapes, fascinating wildlife, and unparalleled opportunities for outdoor adventure.

Discover the geological history of the ancient forests of Central Europe, with the towering fjords of Norway or the serenity of the vast plains of the National Parks of Eastern Europe.

Map of European National Parks

In the list of Highlighted National Parks across Europe, you’ll find everything you need to prepare for your visit without missing a beat. Immerse yourself in a unique experience surrounded by wilderness. Explore, learn, and connect with the beauty and might of the National Parks of Europe!

List of European National Parks

The natural diversity of Europe through its protected areas and European national parks is unique. Each with its own charm and unique wonders:

European Countries with National Parks

Get to know the European countries that care for and protect nature. Many of the world’s most important national parks are distributed throughout Europe. Travel and fall in love with the unforgettable landscapes that span this diverse and fascinating continent.